Friday, 18 December 2009

Five For Friday 9

There have been quite a number of tracks which have been fighting for dominance inside my brain this week and as such its been a little bit difficult to condense it into five tracks but here they are.

5. Deadmau5 ft Rob Swire- Ghosts 'n' Stuff

There is something hauntingly melodic about the synths, add that to the synth laden vocals from Pendulum's Rob Swire and the pounding bass drums creates an often repetitive yet cool dance tune.

4. Miyavi- Shiawase Nara Te Wo Tatakou

If the song sounds familiar, then it probably is as it's the Japanese version to If You're Happy And You Know It sung during a live concert, while it's difficult to follow along to it's interesting to hear a well known children's song sung in a different language by a serious musician.

3. Aimee Allen- Save Me

Originally a song for Unwritten Law (which Allen co-wrote with her then boyfriend Scott Russo) the song was a little more rocked up compared to this laid back acoustic version, which really suits Allen's husky vocals.

2. Lady Gaga- Alejandro

Compared to her singles, this track isn't as bombastic or OTT, it's a simple love song. The beat has an exotic flavour, over the electro beats. It's as though this song is about a foreign, forbidden love although it seems as though the song is about Gaga being caught in a love square, though she really likes this Alejandro guy...

1.Miyavi- Jikoai, Jigajisan, Jiishiki, Kajou(Intsrumental)/Selfish Love

The first thing that struck me from this track is the opening instrumental Jikoai, Jigajisan, Jiishiki, Kajou which combined Miyavi using the acoustic guitar in its natural form as well as using it as an percussion instrument almost simultaneously, before using a single drum and his acoustic guitar to produce a simple rhythm for the country inspired Selfish Love.

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